Disposable, Affordable, with Better Visualization, Less Invasiveness, for First-Time, EVERY-Time intubations.
Be SMART (it beats the alternative).
Why SMART Video-Stylet ?
Disposable Single-use Video-Stylet, currently fits ETT sizes 6.5+
Many successful video-stylet intubations across numerous centers (large and small) have been performed in U.S., nationwide
Portable adjustable monitor with IV pole mount available
KEY ADVANTAGES vs. Competitors: BETTER Visualization (into Trachea), LOWER COST, NO ADDED invasiveness (remains within ET Tube), BETTER Malleability, and SAFETY
IMPROVED FIRST-ATTEMPT odds of successful intubation via visualization
IDEAL for O.R., ICU, E.R., Crash Carts, EMT/Paramedics, Military, more...
Affordable for EVERY INTUBATION (so you can have it and not need it, vs. vice-versa)
Contact us NOW to use it YOURSELF